And now for something completely different!  I’m notorious for going to out of the way places, but this time I’m going to the end of the earth.  I understand that the underwater cable for Internet ends in New Zealand.  So I can now literally say I’ve gotten to the end of the Internet!  After all that surfing, it’s not surprising either.

I’m heading to Dunedin for a while where I’ll find blue penguins, yellow eyed penguins, royal albatross, sea lions and fur seals. CNN International has named the Otago Peninsula one of the 10 most romantic places in the world to propose marriage.  Do I have any takers out there?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?  Alrighty then…moving on…

Dunedin is located on the South Island of New Zealand and according to my mother, NZ is referred to as Godzone (translating to God’s Own).  So that should tell you how beautiful and pristine this place must be.  I haven’t had much time to research it and it hasn’t quite sunk in yet just what I’m in for.  I’ve been going to thrift stores stocking up on warm clothing (in 105+ degree Arizona weather) and getting weird looks.  It is their winter now (or will be soon) so it’s in the low 50’s in the day.  Something I will have to get used to.  I think it will be totally worthwhile considering it’s a place of immaculate beauty and somewhere I have never been before.  I may stay for the full three month visa and trek around different parts of the country and then head up to Australia where I hope to find another house sit since the prices there are SUPER high for everything.  I have a feeling I won’t be there for long if I have to pay for someplace to live.

I leave for NZ on August 6th and arrive on August 8th, aging one full day overnight which seems weird.  I needed to get over my hatred of long flights eventually, so I’ve forced myself into this one…hopefully sleeping most of the way through it.

Well, once again, stay tuned!  Should be an exciting last half of the year for me and into the next!  I have my sights set on Komodo Island, Borneo and Madagascar as well.  See ya on the other side!

Never bend your head.

Always hold it high.

Look the world straight in the eye.

-Helen Keller



0 thoughts on “Getting Into the (God)Zone

  1. This is fabulous news. I miss you already. Do they have mail service? Can I look forward to a postcard or something? Airmail? Orient Express? Find a way to stay in touch. Message in a bottle.

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