So I finally ventured out into my yard today to see what was there after it stopped raining (which went on ALL night and morning). I found the lime tree with a lot of limes on there, some very hard though…not sure what that means considering they look ripe. Haven’t tried to cut them open yet. There is a little perch where I can put fruit and such for birds so I did…a little leftover banana I had for breakfast. Then I saw a big ol Morpho flutter by and land on a leaf…right after I snapped the picture it flew away. I will look for a spot to plant the jalepenos and see if they even grow. Not that I even eat that many…I just like planting things. My mom told me recently that when I was little, she’d find plants sprouting out of her houseplant pots. Apparently she finally caught me planting orange seeds and whatever else I could get my hands on and the riddle was solved. haha! So it’s in my blood apparently to be a farmer of some sort.
My first night was interesting. A lot of noises, wind, rain, strange cat howls and loud motorcycles. But it all calmed down eventually and I was really surprised there were no barking dogs and no roosters waking me up! WOW! What a treat! It will become even quieter after all of the tourists leave on Sunday.
I found one problem though with my doors to my room and bathroom. If you close them, they lock. So if I accidentally do that and don’t have my keys…????? Ugh. It’s a pain to remember to carry them around, but I must. Ahhh the challenges so far.
Be sure to hide a key in a very safe place. I lock myself out of my house and car all the time and I’m always glad I’ve hidden one – usually in a mayo jar buried where I can dig easily with my hand. Yuk! I like planting too. I have a lemon tree that bears lime looking fruit and it does not turn yellow until fall – when the lemons get soft and ripe. Could your lime tree be a lemon tree? This is my first year to have a lime tree so will look forward to seeing how limes ripen and when. I planted a whole orchard this year! Good luck. Loved the pics!