I took some time this morning to do some videos of the other residents at the center today. You’ve seen the sloths and monkeys, but may not have known about some of the others. So the link to my youtube channel is: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE7_G8y87kQKbHa8pumncFw and you can find what I have posted so far on there. Most are new as of today for anyone interested! I’m not sure if you can even hear what I’m saying on those videos, but I’ve summed it up in the description on there as well. Sorry for the poor video…stupid phone.

Those were fantastic! The video isn’t bad…love Stanley waking up, and the baby bats were amazing. thanks!
Awesome! Glad you liked it!!
Those baby bats were utterly amazing! They are adorable and I had no idea what they looked like. I send your posts to my granddaughters in Ireland – their mothers explain what’s going on the pics and everyone looks forward to them. Thank you.
Awesome! I’m getting quite the International audience going…think I’m up to 6 countries now!